PWN S4E3: Trouble in Beebe – Persecution of Seekers Temple

On June 17, 2014, Jason Pitzl-Waters of the Wild Hunt reported that the High Priest and High Priestess of the Seekers Temple in Beebe, AR had run into some major snags in establishing their church within the town. Zaracon immediately jumped in and contacted Bert and Felicia Dahl about visiting with he and RevKess on the Pagan Weekly News. This morning we made that happen.

Bert Dahl, photo courtesy

Seekers Temple, originally from El Paso, Ar, has been around for five years. By the request of many members of the Temple, Bert and his wife moved the church to Beebe. After nine months of paper work and leg work, it was only when the Temple applied for a permit to use a local park for an outdoor event that the city of Beebe realized  they were Pagans.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the FBI, and Lady Liberty League have all been informed of what is taking place. The ACLU has a limited budget and is at this time monitoring the situation. The FBI cannot act at this time as their has not been any violence involved (thankfully). Lady Liberty League coordinator, Selena Fox, called Bert personally after the story broke to the media and stated that LLL is very much aware and is continuing to monitor the situation as well. Zaracon contacted the Mayor’s office and has not yet received a response. You can also contact the Mayor, but please remain civil and rational in any correspondence. His email is

Zaracon and RevKess opened the show up to Bert, allowing him a venue for voicing what is going on in Beebe. A detailed timeline of events can be found at the Seekers Temple website.

On Monday July 23, 2014 at 6:30pm is the monthly Beebe City Council meeting. The Dahls will be attending and ask that any Pagan or supportive ally who is in the area and wishes to attend do so as well. In previous meetings, Bert has been denied his request to speak to the City Council. Perhaps with a showing of support from other Pagans and our allies, his request to speak will be granted with this month’s meeting.

A search on Google, Bing, or your favorite browser should produce a number of links to more information. One of those would be some video coverage from ArkansasMatters.


  1. Ian Corrigan – A Charm for Religious Liberty – (single, released through Creative Commons via
  2. Celia – Build the Wall – Military Religious Freedom Foundation
  3. Celia – Symbol
  4. Big Bad Gina – Freedom Connection – Lake of Dreams

Donations can be sent via PayPal at or direct through mail at Seekers Temple, 608 E DeWitt Henry Dr., Beebe, AR 72012. Emails can be sent to

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Launched in July 2009, the Pagan-Musings Podcast Channel has been growing and evolving to bring the Pagan community unique perspectives and views, interviews, music, and news from you average Pagans to well known Elders.

4 thoughts on “PWN S4E3: Trouble in Beebe – Persecution of Seekers Temple

  1. Jeff says:

    Selling is not allowed? There is a car cleaning shop. On a garage annexed to to a Dwelling. They sell services and although intangible, They have something to Sell. Across the street from the Seeker’s Temple they Sell Degrees Diplomas according to the Media and Internet websites. and it is allowed in Arkansas. I guess Everything is about Money,,,,Wow!

    • There is also a Church in town that sells jewelry and the city seems to have no problem with that… but of course that church is Christian so why would they?
      The harassment and threats have gotten to the point that people were afraid to attend our meetings… We have now moved, at great expense to us personally.
      Beebe has cleaned out the Pagans and made their leaders happy.

  2. Jeff says:

    To those enlightened Humans in all Philosophies. Let us all Hold Hands together and help the Dahl Family. One Dollar at a time. That is what City Hall wants. it there is Money a license will be issued. They are not a threat to the “Urban” City of Beebe, AR., Those that sell theology credentials are! Of course this is hearsay, but it is all over the internet. And the Federal Government does not intervene cause there is no violence….What?

    • Of course ‘violence’ is a relative term:
      They have in fact violated my police record by forcing me to take a false charge; violated the members of the temple by making them afraid to attend; violated our property by blocking our drive, preventing us from getting lawncare, beheading our statue, creating a need for cameras; violated our children by keeping us awake with the lighthouse weapon and sending in DHS to investigate ‘anonymous’ reports of abuse (including bleeding our children on our ‘Devil worshiping altar’); and violated our life by threatening to kill us and harassing us to the point we can no longer live there and are now in great financial distress due to being forced to move.
      I don’t know how the Federal Government defines ‘violence’, but it feels like violence to us.

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