Green Egg with Jonathan Sousa

In this podcast the ladies discussed the Pagan Unity Festival in Burns, Tn. Sylveey, Tish, Aradia spoke of their time talking with Selena Fox and how the festival goers banded together against the torrential downpour that occurred. Listeners get the run down on different classes and instructors that were at the festival as well as the music and rituals taking place over the weekend.

They were joined by Jonathan Sousa to discuss Pagans and his curse against the Daesh, which had gained a little infamy. Jonathan shared his heritage in American Italian Witchcraft and journey through Paganism. He is very outspoken on subjects that most Pagans avoid today and isn’t afraid what others think. The ladies and Jonathan spoke of issues in modern Paganism that require attention.

The episode ended on a somber note with the news of a member in the Pagan family passing into the Summerlands. Our thoughts and love are with Connie on the passing of Steffan.

About Jonathan Sousa12006139_882721361804736_1853764339559151008_n

 Jonathan defines himself as ‘first, last, and always’ a Priest(ess) of the Goddess Diana. He approaches that vocation through the initiatory framework of Southern Italian Traditional Witchcraft. Whatever his faults and triumphs, he strives to live his Craft as a credit to his Elders and mentors therein. 


  1. Jason Shaw – Essence
  2. Kellianna – Maiden, Mother, Crone – Lady Moon

Green Egg with Raven Grimassi

The Maiden, Mother, and Crone spoke with Raven Grimassi about his new book Communing with the Ancestors: Your Spirit Guides, Bloodline Allies and the Cycle of Reincarnation. In the book, Raven discusses exploring the realm of the ancestors and teaches rituals both ancient and new for communing with the collective ancestral beings.

During the show, the ladies learned how Raven decided to write the book and his methods of research. The book was written to help people reconnect with ancestral wisdom and knowledge. When asked his thoughts on why the spirits were starting to become louder to us, his reply was that he believes that we, as Pagans, can work together with the ancestors to turn the tide of destruction we are seeing in the world.

The discussion moved on to healing your bloodline, genealogy, and the folklore and traditions in ancestor worship. Rituals are shared in the book on how to meet the spirit rider and reconnect with your lineage and open yourself to them.

About Raven

13077313_10206159542570573_1437592003_nRaven Grimassi is a neo-pagan scholar and award winning author of more than 12 books on witchcraft, Wicca, and neo-paganism. He is a member of the American Folklore Society and is co-founder and co-director of the Crossroads Fellowship, a modern Mystery School tradition.

For his other works you can visit Raven’s Loft and House of Grimassi.


  1. Jason Shaw – Essence
  2. Damh the Bard – Merlin am I – The Hills They Are Hollow
  3. Jenna Greene – Crossroads – Crossroads